Join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/predictdotfun
The REST API is currently in beta. Please, report any issue in our Discord server.
Where do I request an API key?
To request an API key join the Predict's Discord server and open a support ticket.
Predict's Discord: https://discord.gg/predictdotfun
What rate limit is available on mainnet?
- On Sepolia, we allow up to 240 requests per minute without an API key.
- On Mainnet, the default rate limit for an API key is 240 requests per minute.
What chains are supported?
Mainnet (API key required): https://api.predict.fun/
Sepolia (API key not required): https://api-sepolia.predict.fun/
Is there an SDK to create orders?
Yes, we have an SDK available as an NPM package: @predictdotfun/sdk
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@predictdotfun/sdk
GitHub: https://github.com/PredictDotFun/sdk
Can I use my Predict account via the API/SDK?
Yes, that is possible. You will two things:
- The Predict account address (aka deposit address)
- The Privy Wallet private key (and the address to fund ETH for on-chain tx)
- This can be exported from your account's settings at https://predict.fun/account/settings
To use your Predict account you'll need to use our SDK to generate the required signatures. You can check out our guides, which also cover the use of Predict accounts:
Alternatively, you can look into other Account Abstraction SDKs, like ZeroDev SDK. This requires a greater effort on your side and techincal knowledge. We won't be able to provide much support if you choose to use third parties SDKs.
How do I create orders?
See How to create or cancel orders.
How do I authenticate my requests?
See How to authenticate your API requests.
Is there altervative UI for the API reference?
Yes, an alternative UI for the API reference is also available at: https://api.predict.fun/docs